Exclusive Denim Interview With Jeanuine Jeans

I got the chance to chat with Sebastien Gilbert, the co-founder of French brand, Jeanuine Jeans, about his company, how it works, why he founded it and more. For those of you who are new to Jeanuine Jeans, they are a custom denim brand which allows you to create a…

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Skinny Jeans For Muscular Legs On Guys

There are a lot of guys out there who love to hit the gym and work on their physique, or guys that love muscular building sports and it leaves them with very muscly legs. This can sometimes be a problem with the trends in jeans being mainly skinny, so I…

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Cyber Weekend Denim Deals & Jeans Buying Guide

What would Thanksgiving be without the excitement of the sales that surround it? Black Friday and Cyber Monday, also known as Cyber Weekend, are one of my favourite times of the year to shop! Almost everyone takes part in these events and the savings you can get are incredible! Some…

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The SHOPBOP & EAST Dane Big Event SALE

AG Jeans | Citizens of Humanity | RtA | True Religion The BIGGEST and BEST SALE of the year, the one you have all been waiting for, is finally live! I’m talking about the Shopbop Big Event where you can get up to 25% off of your order (full priced…

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Ian Berry Creates A Denim Portrait Of Ayrton Senna

British Artist Ian Berry (also known as Denimu) has created a portrait of Ayrton Senna made out of his family’s jeans. I did an interview with Ian a few months ago about his work and some of his favourite pieces, so it’s an honour to be able to feature something…

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Cult of Individuality – Relationship Status Update

I was almost in tears when I got in my car and drove off. I was breaking up with a city I called home for almost a decade. A new one awaits, but where? I turned on the radio, hit shuffle on my iPhone, and whatever played would eventually become…

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