With some extra help there has finally been enough donations to build your forum for you!
I’m very excited to announce that as of next week, I’m going to be working really hard on setting it up and creating it as quickly as I possibly can so you can have your forum back and a place to chat to everyone else. There’s going to be a few sections, even women’s jeans for men, as I know that’s a popular subject among many of you, but as this is your forum, I want you all to be involved in it as much as possible to make it perfect for you. Please let me know what type of sections you would like included and if you want me to set up threads already for outfits.
I will start work on this on Monday and I can confirm you will be getting a VBulletin forum, which is extremely professional and easy to use. So many of the top forums use VBulletin, so I’m excited to be bringing that on board. You will also be getting a slightly refreshed and updated blog layout to accommodate the changes (nothing major) and include the forum. I will be sending out an email as soon as the forum has launched next week, so make sure you sign up to receive our updates (bottom of the sidebar on the right) to know exactly when it’s live!
A huge thank you to everyone who sent in donations to build the forum as it wouldn’t have been possible without you. Stay tuned for next week, and like I mentioned, please do leave comments below about what sections and things you would like on the forum. – Lorna.